When you receive an on the job injury at your workplace, you may have to embrace several adjustments to your life. Your health and finances may be the two most critical areas affected. You will receive a worker’s compensation claim benefit, and it comes in four different ways. You can either receive weekly compensation, a vocational rehabilitation, permanent impairment benefit or payment of your medical bills.
According to AllLaw, worker’s compensation is only a way to protect your income. It is not a way to repay you for your pain and suffering. The benefits you receive from a worker’s compensation are due to your inability to work. Unlike a personal injury case, you may not get any additional compensation for the pain and suffering. If the pain prevents you from working, then you will receive weekly compensation.
Every state has its time frame in offering a weekly compensation benefit. Additionally, the type of benefit may influence how long you may receive compensation. When you are getting better from your injury, and you expect to make a full recovery, you may receive temporary disability benefits. However, if you do not assume any improvement from your injury, you will fall under the permanently disabled and receive a permanent disability benefit.
If you cannot work in any form of employment after the injury, you may get a total disability benefit. If you can perform some trivial tasks or any other type of work, you may qualify for a partial disability benefit. Apart from a worker’s compensation claim benefit, you are entitled to a fully paid medical treatment.
However, the insurer may pull out from sorting your medical bills of they believe it had dragged on for too long, and they find it unreasonable.