On behalf of Kampf, Schiavone & Associates | Feb 18, 2019 | Birth Injury, Firm News
Expectant parents in California should be able to enjoy the months leading up to a birth without worry and focus on welcoming their new loved one into their family. However, the reality is that there can be health conditions that develop and require vigilance on the part of pregnant women but also their physicians. Preeclampsia is one of these conditions.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, preeclampsia may limit the amount of blood flow to the placenta. This, in turn, reduces the amount of nutrition and oxygen that is delivered to the baby. One of the hallmark symptoms of preeclampsia is an elevated level of proteins in the mother’s urine, making routine checks on protein levels during prenatal visits highly important.
Other symptoms that WebMD indicates mothers should watch for and report to their doctors include sudden and noticeable weight gain in the matter of just a day or two and severe pain in the upper right abdomen. Preeclampsia may be mild or severe and, if not properly treated may develop into full eclampsia. In these situations, maternal seizures may be present.
The only cure for preeclampsia is the delivery of the baby. If preeclampsia is severe enough a doctor may instruct a mother to remain in bed and rest until delivery is an option. Blood pressure medication may also be prescribed as high blood pressure is another symptom of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia most commonly develops in the second half of a pregnancy and is found in up to eight percent of all pregnancies.