In a recent post, the topic of workplace accidents involving large truck drivers was addressed. However, it is important to understand how widespread these accidents are in comparison to other industries in San Bernardino, California, and throughout the country, especially if you drive a large truck or have a family member who drives a semi.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 65,000 truckers in the private sector suffered a work-related injury or illness that caused them to miss work. Over the course of the same year, over 750 drivers lost their lives in on-the-job crashes. In 2012, those who drove semi trucks (and other types of professional drivers) suffered nearly three times as many non-fatal illnesses and injuries on the job that made them miss work, compared to those who were employed in other occupations. When compared to the rate across all industries, they also saw a fatal injury rate that was over seven times greater throughout 2012.
Clearly, truckers work in a particularly dangerous profession and it is vital for them to focus on preventing an accident at all times. From ensuring that trucks are maintained properly to obeying traffic laws and staying off the road when tired, there are many ways that truck accidents can be avoided. That said, truck drivers cannot always prevent accidents and when they are hurt on the job, they should explore all avenues as they try to move forward. For many, workers’ compensation has provided them with the resources they need to recover.